Pursuing the Excellent Life
Sept. 30, 2024

All things must pass - the end of Live Well and Flourish?

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Live Well & Flourish

After over three years and more than 100 episodes, I've decided it's time to step back from Live Well and Flourish. Producing this podcast has become more of a job than a passion, contributing to stress rather than alleviating it. Although new episodes will no longer be released regularly, past episodes will remain available at livewellandflourish.com for you to revisit whenever you wish. Plus, stay subscribed, as I may occasionally drop new episodes when inspiration strikes. For those interested in the intersection of AI and higher education, check out my new project at AI Goes to College (https://www.aigoestocollege.com/).

Thank you for your unwavering support, and remember, keep flourishing.


Email Craig at: livewellandflourish@pm.me

All episodes are available online at the Live Well and Flourish website: https://www.livewellandflourish.com/

The theme music for Live Well and Flourish was written by Hazel Crossler, hazel.crossler@gmail.com.

Production assistant - Paul Robert

Craig Van Slyke

Welcome to live well and flourish, where I help you understand what it means to live a flourishing life.

Craig Van Slyke

I'm your host, Craig Van Slyke.

Craig Van Slyke

If you're ready to think beyond material and external success, if you're ready to take control of who you are and the kind of life you live, if you're ready to flourish, this is the podcast for you.

Speaker B

Well, I knew this time would come.

Speaker B

I think it's time to end regular releases of new episodes of live well and flourish.

Speaker B

As regular listeners know, I've been on hiatus over the summer, and one of the things I was trying to do is rekindle my passion for producing this podcast.

Speaker B

Well, that didn't happen.

Speaker B

It's a little bit sad, a little bit melancholy, but that's the way things go.

Speaker B

As it says in ecclesiastes, there's a time for everything, and the time for live well and flourish is over.

Speaker B

I don't know.

Speaker B

I've produced over 100 episodes over the three plus years of live well and flourish, and I just think it's time to call it a day.

Speaker B

So I will not be releasing new episodes on any regular basis.

Speaker B

It's just time to move on.

Speaker B

So why did I make this decision?

Speaker B

Well, the bottom line is that producing the podcast started to feel more like a job than a passion.

Speaker B

And as a friend of mine recently said, I already have enough job.

Speaker B

So it was creating stress.

Speaker B

The thought of producing new episodes and doing all the work that was involved in developing topics, it just started to create stress at a time when I need less stress, not more.

Speaker B

So another possibility is maybe I've said what I have to say.

Speaker B

I've covered a lot.

Speaker B

I've written, oh, probably almost 200,000 words of scripts for this podcast.

Speaker B

That's a lot, but we'll see.

Speaker B

You know, maybe new topics will pop into my head.

Speaker B

Maybe there's some things that I think might be worthwhile to share.

Speaker B

If I do, I'll produce an episode and release it and share it.

Speaker B

So you really should stay subscribed, which requires doing nothing.

Speaker B

Just stay subscribed, because there is a distinct possibility I may release new episodes whenever the spirit moves me.

Speaker B

In the meantime, the back catalog will remain available@livewellandfloorish.com.

Speaker B

dot I have no plans to take those down anytime in the foreseeable future, so they're out there.

Speaker B

I've covered a lot of topics on how to live a better life, and you might want to revisit those from time to time if you want to stay up with what I'm doing.

Speaker B

You might want to check out my newer project, AI goes to college, which is available@aigostocolllege.com it's a newsletter and a podcast I do with my friend Rob Crossler, where we talk about, as the name implies, how AI is affecting higher ed.

Speaker B

So if you have any interest in higher ed or any interest in AI, we've got some interesting things to talk about on that podcast, and I release usually two articles a week for the newsletter.

Speaker B

So anyway, I'd love it if you check that out aigostocolllege.com.

Speaker B

but as far as live well and flourish goes, you know, this may be the last episode.

Speaker B

I may release some more in the future.

Speaker B

We'll just have to see.

Speaker B

Until next time, keep flourishing my friends.

Speaker B

I appreciate all of the support that you've given me over the last three and a half years, and I hope that I've helped you live a better life in some small way.

Speaker B

Thank you.

Craig Van Slyke

I produce, live well and flourish because of my dedication to helping others live excellent lives.

Craig Van Slyke

I don't accept sponsorships and I don't want your money.

Craig Van Slyke

The only thing I want is to help you and others flourish.

Craig Van Slyke

If you've received some value from this episode, please share it with someone that might also benefit from listening.

Craig Van Slyke

The best way to do that is to direct them to Livewell and flourish.com.

Craig Van Slyke

until next time.